Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Top Ten Math Tips For Parents

Math can be a difficult subject for many students. Most children loose interest in mathematics, simply because they think it's too hard. Parents and teachers may find it difficult to motivate their students to complete their math assignments. Here are some suggestions to help your students in solving their math problems and overcome their fears:

1. Encourage Them!

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You can improve your children's learning ability by providing them a positive environment. Many teachers often forget to encourage the efforts of their students. Children should be appreciated when they correctly solve their math problems. Teachers should mark their assignments, leniently. They are advised to keep their tone and attitude positive, since children can easily pick up signs of negativity.

Top Ten Math Tips For Parents

2. Follow up on Homework

Teachers must ensure that children understand their homework. If the students are facing problems then the teachers should properly explain the assignment to them. Children will feel easy once they know what they have to do. Teachers can further assist by guiding them on what they should do the difficult parts. They should be able to judge the students response: do they understood the problem or not? Children must be provided further assistance if they need it. Parents need to monitor the progress of their children to make sure that they are doing fine. They should encourage them for their good performance.

3. Demonstrate the use of Math

Parents can also use real life examples to teach math to their children. School going children can learn a lot from every day examples. Simply ask them to calculate the money you have to pay for tickets, next time you go out to the movies. Try multiplying the number of cars of two different colors.

4. Real Life Math

Explain to your children how they can use math to solve their problems. They should understand that math is not about using simple arithmetic skills like addition and subtraction; it is much more than that. Children can use their mathematics skills to solve every day problems. They can find out how many pieces of pizza you need to cut so that it can be shared in your family. Just go beyond the daily assignments and let your children explore the real world problems to improve their mathematics. This will show them the true value of math in their lives.

5. Get them to talk!

Encourage your kids to talk. Tell your child to solve their math problems by talking about the correct steps. This will allow you to monitor what he or she is thinking. You can detect the problem areas while your child is talking his way through the steps.

6. Everybody loves money.

You should teach your children money skills. Your kids can use fractions and percentages to find out how much savings they have made on a particular purchase. For example if your children went to a movie that costs and they have saved , so in terms of fractions they have saved 1/3 of the amount or 33%

7. Telling Time

Teach your children how to tell the accurate time. Use digital and analog clocks for this purpose. You can talk with them about, seconds, minutes, hours and days.

8. Make Math Games

Learning mathematics should be a fun activity for your children. You can combine math with various games to make it interesting for your children. Other effective methods of teaching involve use of flash cards that test the child's math skills to help him get better in mathematics.

9. Use Computers

You can increase your child's learning speed by using computers and various educational software. Today's children are much more familiar with computers than their parents were at the same age. There are many computer games that involve the use of math skills. Senior students may be interested to learn about spreadsheets and calendars to improve their mathematics.

10. Talk to Teachers

Parents and Teachers should communicate with each other on a frequent basis. They should assist the students in learning the proper mathematics skills. Parents can play an essential role in improving their children's performance by regularly communicating with the teachers. They can work with the teachers to solve their children's problems.

Top Ten Math Tips For Parents

Math Worksheets Center is home to over 8,000 highly quality printable K-12 math worksheets, lessons, quizzes, and homework. See it now: http://www.mathworksheetscenter.com

Computer Education For Kids

Computers have become a common and needed part of life in today's society, making computer education imperative for children. Young children will typically begin to show an interest in the home PC by their toddler years. While it is may be a good idea to begin introducing your toddler to the computer in very short sessions, most children can began to learn and understand a computer's functionality by preschool age.

Preschool age children can learn to turn the computer on by themselves and will quickly learn to operate the mouse. Simple games that teach and reinforce basic school readiness skills are great for this age. Computer education for preschool age children should be limited to short sessions of about 30 minutes a few times a week.

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Many childcare facilities offer computer time as part of their weekly curriculum for preschoolers. Structured games and activities give young children an opportunity to explore the way a computer works. Games that require dragging objects across the screen are excellent for building mouse skills in beginner users. Chose age-appropriate software and websites that involve alphabet and color recognition, shapes, counting, or short stories that are read aloud. Activities that feature music are also enjoyable for a preschooler's computer time.

Computer Education For Kids

Kindergartners are normally still exploring the basics of computer use and will probably do best with activities that reinforce simple skills. As children become more comfortable with the computer, more complex games and activities can be introduced. Computer education for kindergartners typically consists of short sessions of no more than an hour, playing games that correlate with their classroom learning material.

By first grade, children have usually gained a good understanding of how to use a mouse and they are learning to use keyboard letters to type. Games like Typing Instructor for Kids can help young children become fast and efficient computer users. Early elementary age children are ready to move beyond simple reinforcement and skill drill activities to the many different functions of a computer.

First through third graders should use the computer as a supplement for their classroom work. A student studying about stars and planets can use the internet to search for pictures and information about constellations. An assignment about Africa can include a search for videos of African animals. Allow your child to work on his own, but stay close by to prevent access to inappropriate content and to answer any questions.

Software programs that allow children to create, like an art or publishing suite designed specifically for kids, can boost creativity along with providing exposure to technology. Grade level skills can also be practiced and enhanced with math, reading, and spelling computer games. There are a number of kid-friendly websites that provide search engines, games, and interaction opportunities.

Computer education for children should also include writing and creative writing activities. First graders are beginning to familiarize themselves with the keyboard and can write short letters or emails. By second and third grade, children can use word processor programs or writing software designed for children to write and publish their own short stories and poems, as well as use email to write to relatives.

Computer Education For Kids

For more tips and information about 22 Baby Einstein Titles, check out www.thekidstoystore.com.

The 3 Best Personal Finance Games For Kids

They say that the best time to learn is when you're young and you can teach your kids about personal finance today in a fun and educational manner. The best thing is that kids are always asking you for games to play to keep them entertained and there's nothing better than learning while having fun. This article gives a rundown of the 3 best games kids can play to learn about personal finance.

1. Monopoly - a legendary and highly educational board games. As adults we probably played this game ourselves in our younger days and had heaps of fun. The money lessons from this game are still relevant today. Kids are forced to make decisions as to whether to buy or sell property and then as their financial situation changes, make further decisions. We, as adults, make financial decisions everyday and so it's great that kids get exposed to that early.

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2. Game of Life - a more modern game, yet still very educational. If you haven't heard about the game, it explores the decisions we make and the paths we take in life. Eventually, the amount of money that we earn gets affected and you learn how to manage this. The closest thing to a real life game.

The 3 Best Personal Finance Games For Kids

3. Cash Flow For Kids - invented by financial expert and motivational speaker, Robert Kiyosaki, it is probably the first game ever invented with the goal of making children more financially literate. It introduces kids to the concept of assets and liabilities as well as passive income. Probably the best game for kids out there today.

Whatever you decide to do, you must try to financially educate your kids from a young age. You may use other means with which to do this, but there's probably nothing more exciting than personal finance games for your kids.

The 3 Best Personal Finance Games For Kids

Martin Sejas is a guest writer of [http://www.healthywealthysoul.com/], a website focused on providing people recommendations and tools on personal finance games [http://www.healthywealthysoul.com/] to have both financial and spiritual bliss in their lives.